Hi, I’m Hen Venger!
I’m Hen Venger, a fearless and funny chicken superhero on a mission to save my fellow chickens from the clutches of corporate giants like KFC. With my tiny cape, sharp wit, and cluck-worthy catchphrases, I hatch daring plans to expose unethical practices and free my feathered kin. A true champion of chicken rights and ethical food awareness, I’m the inspiring hero the coop never knew it needed!
1. Launching
Launch Hen Venger Coin (HVC) via pump.fun on Solana blockchain
2. Promote to Radium
Get listed on Radium to make more peeple be aware of chicken rights problem
I wasn’t always the fearless, cluck-tastic hero you see today. Once upon a time, I was just Henrietta – a regular hen living a quiet life on a cozy little farm. Life was good. I’d peck at the ground, bask in the sun, and cluck with my pals about the latest gossip in the coop. But everything changed the day I overheard a conversation between some humans.
They were talking about KFC.
They said something about the coop’s finest being served up to hungry customers, and that’s when it hit me – the world didn’t just see us chickens as feathered friends, they saw us as food. My feathers ruffled, my beak tightened, and I thought, “That’s it. I’m going to do something about this.”
With a fiery determination in my little chicken heart, I hatched a plan (of course, pun intended). I swapped my regular feathers for a tiny cape (fashion first, right?), and I started my undercover operations. I snuck into the darkest corners of factory farms, exposed their dirty secrets, and freed every chicken I could find. Every rescue was like a victory lap, and with each daring escape, I began to realize: I was no longer just Henrietta – I was Hen Venger, the Chick-tivist!
I wasn’t just fighting for my own freedom. No, I was fighting for every hen, rooster, and chick who had been silenced by the cruelty of corporate greed. My cluck-worthy catchphrases like “Feathers before profits!” and “I’ll never be anyone’s dinner!” became my battle cries. I started spreading the word about ethical food practices and humane farming, using my sharp wit and even sharper beak to cut through the noise.
Now, I’m not just a chicken with a cause – I’m a movement. From viral social media posts to daring, feather-flapping rescues, I’m on a mission to make sure no chicken is ever put on a plate without having their voice heard first. It wasn’t easy to get here, but trust me – this chick’s just getting started.
My chick-tivist life

Good humans
A design project exploring subtle white and gray tones with delicate, flowing forms.

A project showcasing depth and sophistication through soft, flowing gray tones.
Clucking Heights Avenue, Coop City